Fr. Rick Thomas, S.J.

Fr. Rick Thomas, S.J.

103 We’re Accountable for the Gifts We’ve Been Given

October 13, 2020

“Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” Luke 12:48

What are the gifts that some of us have?

* eyesight
* hearing
* ability to walk
* ability to talk

We have gifts from God that we take for granted. And God is going to take them all back one day. He gives us eyes, teeth, ears for a few years, and He’s interested if we are going to use those in His service. He is going to ask us, “How did you use the gifts I gave you?”
Whatever gift we have received, it’s not for ourselves but to serve God’s people. Satan gets in there and says, “You have worked so hard. You deserve the best. Be good to yourself.” But whatever I have, even if I achieved it by hard work, is a gift of God. And God is going to ask me, “What did you do with it?”
God gave each one of us common gifts and special gifts. We need to think about the gifts that God has given us. We don’t have any gifts that we have not received.
Do I use well in God’s service the gifts that He has given me?