The Ritual Misery Podcast

The Ritual Misery Podcast

High Broduktion Valews – ЯMP 250

June 27, 2020

So many announcements this week…
and we barely cover any of them.


* 13 Reasons Why
* The 13th
* WWDC Recap | the verge
* “E3”
* Xbox Series X
* PlayStation 5
* PS5 vs XSX Comparison | ign
* Star Wars: Squadrons
* Hamilton is censored on Disney Plus; Lin-Manuel Miranda gives two fucks

Quiz Receipts: 2014 in Video Games | Wikipedia
BigVoiceJay named this week’s episode!
We record this show live every Thursday at 7pm Pacific on and
Check out our dctvPedia page (special thanks to j0atm0n)
Next week: Patrick Walton aka PDubs!
Our Patrons kick ass! Thank you so much!

* Check out Let’s Talk About Thrones
* Find Tom Merritt’s ‘Pilot X’ on Amazon or its sequel, “Trigor” on Inkshares and follow him on Twitter: @acedtect
* Find Mike Range’s books on Amazon and follow him on Twitter: @MovieLeagueMike
* Support Ritual Misery directly by clicking any of the links on this page and pick up your very own RMP swag here!

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