Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Rising Star: Cate Richards’ 2 tracks, 2 businesses, 1 love

November 11, 2015

We are very proud to feature our Wonderful Web Radio Rising Star interview. In this segment, we speak with Cate Richards.
Cate Richards – founder of True Entrepreneur.  Cate is a Strategist for Entrepreneurs.  She works with “Know How” entrepreneurs to find clarity, develop their brands and signature systems, choose a business model and create products. Cate has been an entrepreneur for 10 years following a 20 year corporate career as a strategic marketer working with billion dollar brands.  Cate started True Entrepreneur as a “side project” because she discovered how much she loved helping her entrepreneur friends with brand and marketing strategy. You can find Cate at www.trueentrepreneur.com.  Her current giveaway is “”The One Page Brand”” mini course.
Transcript of the Interview

Announcement: Welcome to Rising Stars Radio, where we share the stories of ordinary people taking action to create extraordinary changes in their businesses. They are the true rising stars to watch. Get ready to take notes around no fluff, cutting to the chase, 20 minute interview.
Janet: Hello, and welcome everybody to Rising Stars Radio. This is Janet Beckers here; and I’m very excited to bring to you today a lovely friend of mine who’s been part of the wonderful web community for quite a few years, Cate Richards.
Hi Cate! It’s wonderful to welcome you here.
Cate: It’s wonderful to be here, Janet. I’m very excited about our conversation today and hoping that my story will resonate with some other people who are somewhere along this wonderful path of entrepreneurship.
Janet: The thing that I’m really excited about sharing with Cate’s story is this beautiful journey of Cate has one business, called Team Bonding, which is an exciting business. The business that she’s built and it’s grown strongly. We’ll talk about that; but she also has another business which is around the True Entrepreneur, which is what we’re going to be a lot about, how has she has those two businesses and how does it fit in with her progress as an entrepreneur?
To make this really easy. Our plan today is to try to give you the maximum value that we can in 20 minutes. We’ll be cutting straight the chase. It’s also our intention to give you some really clear points that you can implement this week. Some action steps from Cate’s journey, things that she has found that’s worked really well for her that you will be able to use straight away. We’ll be sharing that with you today well on the course.
Let’s get stuck straight in. Instead of me reading out Cate’s bio, let’s hear it straight from her. Cate can you please share with us who it is that you helped and how do you do that?
Cate: With True Entrepreneur, which is my new business, I helped what I call know-how entrepreneurs. Those are people that I guess they know something, they’ve experienced something and they have something to share or teach or guide and pass on to others; but there’s a gap between having that knowledge and I guess packaging it and selling it to the market. I helped them with all of their strategy and their branding and everything in the way to package their product, everything they need to do before they really have an offer that they can take to the market. It’s kind of my tradition for that business.
Janet: Right.
Cate: I also have another business which is nine years old, which is called Team Bonding, as you mentioned it just then. That is a business that creates events for the corporate market. In that business,