Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Rising Star: Alexandra Cownie’s [Case Study] 6 months marketing in one day

July 23, 2015

We are very proud to feature our Wonderful Web Radio Rising Star interview. In this segment, we speak with Alexandra Cownie.
Alexandra is a former professional ballerina turned author and successful entrepreneur. She is the founder of International Ballet Workshops: bi-yearly workshops with world-class guest ballet masters. IBW bring professional opportunities to all ballet dancers attending.
She is the author of “How to be a Ballet Dancer”, an information filled book for the teenage dancer. She is also the director of Ballet STARS Tamworth, the first dance school offering professional dance training in this area. Today, Mrs Alexandra is a sought after ballet adjudicator as well as master-class, mindset and classical repertoire teacher throughout Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
Transcript of the Interview

Announcement: Welcome to Rising Stars Radio, where we share the stories of ordinary people taking action to create extraordinary changes in their businesses. They are the true rising stars to watch. Get ready to take notes around no fluff, cutting to the chase, 20 minute interview.
Janet:               Hello, everybody, and welcome to Rising Stars Radio. I’m really excited about today’s interview. I’m interviewing Alexandra Cownie and Alex is the owner of International Ballet Workshops and How to be a Ballet Dancer.
I’m just so excited to share her story with you because if you’ve been thinking all these different excuses on why you can’t get things done, Alex is just going to blow them out of the water for you. It’s so wonderful to have you here, Alex. How are you?
Alexandra:       Good. Thank you, Janet. It’s very nice to be here today.
Janet:               It’s exciting. Now, Alex is such an amazing person. She’s been a performer, professional ballet dancer, and now, she’s actually become an author of the books, How to be a Ballet Dancer. She has become a very successful entrepreneur. She’s the founder of International Ballet Workshops, these bi-yearly workshops with world-class guest ballet masters, and she brings opportunities to even rural areas in Australia that just don’t normally get those opportunities. I know she’ll be telling us a little bit more about how she’s doing that through another company that she’s brought in.
So, Alex, tell us, let’s get started. I’d like to, if you could share with everybody who is listening who is it that you serve and how it is that you serve them. If I can just say before that to everybody that is listening, welcome. It’s so great to have you here. Our intention today is to really help you to get some ideas on what’s possible for you to do in your business, and to give you some actions that you can take away at the end of today and implement immediately into your business.
That’s my challenge to Alex, is to be able to get from her some really, really good tips that meant that she’s been able to create some great success in her business. So, let’s start, Alex. Who is it that you serve and how do you do that?
Alexandra:       All right. Basically, what I do is that I help teenaged ballerinas, so it’s mostly girls, but there’s a few boys, to have the opportunity to train and possibly get scholarship or job even in Europe or America, which is where the work is for ballet dancers, without having to leave Australia.
Because that’s the big issue that I’ve been noticed when I’ve been teaching as a guest teacher around Australia and New Zealand, is that all those dancers they are really well-trained,