Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Rising Star: Ruth Thirtle’s When quitting is the best business model.

June 12, 2015

We are very proud to feature our Wonderful Web Radio Rising Star interview. In this segment, we speak with Ruth Thirtle. Ruth from Business Results Catalyst is a business development specialist who loves helping business owners to design and implement key business, marketing and sales strategies. She has taught thousands of people around the world the tactics and benefits of effective business and networking strategy. Ruth has individual business clients both in Australia and the UK. She is involved with the Professional Coaches Network, was a facilitator for marketing expert Kerwin Rae, has been a mentor for the Women Moving Forwards program and has received certification in Customer Value Optimisation (a fancy way of saying Funnel). She is also a contributing author in a number of books and blogs including The Law of Attraction in Action, The Power of 100 and Winning in Life and Work, the Business Blogging Network and Women’s Network Australia.
Transcript of the Interview

Announcement: Welcome to Rising Stars Radio, where we share the stories of ordinary people taking action to create extraordinary changes in their businesses. They are the true rising stars to watch, so get ready to take notes for our no-fluff, cutting to the chase, twenty-minute interview.
Janet:               Hello and welcome everybody. It’s so great to welcome you here to Rising Stars Radio. I have a lovely woman with us today, Ruth Thirtle, who has been a member of the wonderful web community. Right from the very, very beginning, when we started off doing interviews of successful women online, that’s how Wonderful Web Women started, and my gold membership, which was sharing all of those different stories, and Ruth was right there from the very, very beginning and has stayed as part of the Wonderful Web community all that time since then, so she’s definitely always there. Definitely haven’t lost contact with Ruth. Ruth has got a really, really interesting story to share with you today. Ruth Thirtle from businessresultscatalyst.com, wonderful to welcome you here, Ruth. How are you?
Ruth:                I’m very well, Janet. Thank you so much for that introduction. You say it has been a while. I don’t know about you, that makes me feel a bit old.
Janet:               It’s funny, because I think I started Wonderful Web Women about seven years ago, and we’ve had a few, I wouldn’t call them reincarnations or incarnations, it’s been adapting and growth to what people have been wanting, so it started off as a search for role models and interviewing other people, and so people said, “Look, it’s great you’ve got all these people that want to learn from you, Janet, your technique,” and then that has evolved as I’ve got clearer on it. The nice thing is people like you, Ruth, who started there wanting to learn from case studies from inspirations has stayed all that way through, and it seems longer than it is. Seven years, it doesn’t make us that old, does it?
Ruth:                No, no.
Janet:               Our intention today is to be able to give as much value to everybody who’s joined us in about twenty minutes, so we’re going to get stuck straight into it. Our intention is to be able to give you some inspiration and also some actionable steps, everyone, that you can go ahead this week and start making some changes in your business, and start making decisions that feel right for you. Get your pen and paper out and keep in mind that you’re looking for a couple of gold nuggets that you can implement this week. To get started, Ruth, would you mind sharing with everybody who it is that you serve...