Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Rising Star: Paul Godden’s Tips from the video expert

June 04, 2015

We are very proud to feature our Wonderful Web Radio Rising Star interview. In this segment, we speak with Paul Godden. Paul has been involved in video production for around 30 years and for the past 12 years has created video based products for many of Australia‘s top on and offline marketers. He also ran his own successful Training Consultancy business for 12 years before moving full time into video production. He’s a qualified Counselor, massage therapist and Emotional Therapy Healer. These days he’s created several ‘how to’ programs to assist people to embrace video as the powerful communication and connection tool that it is.
Transcript of the Interview

Announcement: Welcome to Rising Stars Radio, where we share the stories of ordinary people taking action to create extraordinary changes in their businesses. They are the true rising stars to watch. Get ready to take notes around no fluff, cutting to the chase, 20 minute interview.
Janet: Hello, and welcome everybody it’s wonderful to welcome you here to Rising Stars Radio, and I’m really excited today to be able to introduce you to a lovely friend of mine. He’s been a member of our community for a long time. He’s a joint venture partner, and a client, and most importantly a dear friend. Paul Godden from Video Info 2020. Hi Paul, how are you?
Paul: Hi Janet and anyone listening, I’m fantastic, really excited. I bet you’ve been excited about this for a few days now. Well longer, but really excited. It’s fantastic to be here and have the opportunity to share some information with everyone.
Janet: That’s fantastic, and that’s probably something that’s very distinctive about Paul. He’s very active in our private Facebook group, which is for customers only. He’s always very enthusiastic and excited about sharing really good tips, and also for just helping people. Really sharing, helping people as much as he can from his experience.
Our intentions today, Paul and I, is to give you as much value as we can. Insights that Paul can share with you from his journey of growing his business and marketing it, and so that you can actually learn from his experience. We’re are going to try to do this in about 20 minutes, so we’ll short and sharp, and to be total content for you. Get you pen and pencil, pen and paper, because I know that Paul is going to have some really good tips. To get started Paul, let’s just dive straight in. If you could share with us who it is that you serve, and how it is that you do that.
Paul: In a nutshell, I help business people, and especially woman both on and offline to actually some use Video. Using video and all forms of videos, as a powerful communication tool for their business. They get more customers, to increase their profits, and build a business obviously. That’s what I do.
Janet: Because you’ve got, how many years experience have you got with video?
Paul: I started back in the 80’s, and so it’s like 30 years, but on and off for a lot of that time. For the last 12 years, full time in my business of Vision Quest Video Productions, commercially, and I’ve be doing wedding videos now for 15 years, 20 years. A whole range of different types of video things.

Janet: Paul’s the person, when I first met Paul I was presenting at a confer...