Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Rising Star: Michelle Newton’s The Angel Toolbox

May 07, 2015

(http://wonderfulwebwomen.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/MichelleNewton-e1428992622513.jpg)We are very proud to feature our Wonderful Web Radio Rising Star interview. In this segment, we speak with Michelle Newton. Michelle is a respected Australian spiritual teacher and healer. She is affectionately known as 'The Aussie Angel Lady' and is the author of a series of inspirational Angelic teachings that are collectively known as 'The Angels Toolbox'. Michelle is a clairvoyant, Angelic medium and Earth Angel. Director of AOK Angels and the founder of The Angels of Kindness Fund & The AOK Angels Academy.


Transcript of the Interview

Announcement: Welcome to Rising Stars Radio (http://www.risingstarsradioshow.com/) where we share the stories of ordinary people taking action to create extraordinary changes in their businesses. They are the true Rising Stars to watch, so get ready to take notes from those stars cutting to the chase twenty minute interview.

Janet: Hello and welcome everybody. It's Janet Beckers here and welcome to Rising Stars Radio (http://www.risingstarsradioshow.com/). This is where we share the stories of ordinary people who are taking ... Doing extraordinary things to just get their business out to the world to be making a bigger impact. Now, when I say ordinary people of course no, you're not ordinary dear listeners and certainly our wonderful guest Michelle Newton from AOK Angels is certainly not ordinary. A very special woman who has been part of our wonderful web community for the last year and I've really enjoyed just seeing her step-by-step going through and applying and just putting herself out of her comfort zone and getting results. Really, really rewarding to see that, so wonderful to welcome you here, Michelle.

Michelle: Thank you, Janet. It's an absolute pleasure and an honor to talk to you, it really is. I'm so excited.

Janet: So am I, that's great. Now, my intention is for us to be able to give as much value as we can to people today in about 20 minutes that's going to help them as they're growing their business and expanding it, so that they're really building up, an authority platform and building their trade online. To be able to learn the way that you've been able to take steps, how to get started and we'd love to hear a bit more about you. Would you mind sharing, Michelle who it is that you help and how it is that you do that?

Michelle: Sure, Janet. Look, my reach is fairly wide. I help a lot of people, so I have a wide range of people that I help. Probably, my main target area is around about the 30 years of age to 65-year-old woman. I do have a lot of men who are interested in my work as well, so I'm a spiritual teacher and a healer, so I'm here to help people develop spiritually in their lives so that they can just cope with life every day. Just to give people hope really and I have a really big, strong theme of spreading kindness worldwide. I love to work with earth angels and I love to support them and see how we can make this place a much happier and better place.

Janet: What a beautiful thing to have as your mission of giving people hope and spreading kindness, that's just a lovely way to build your business. Now, tell me how do you help people like if people come to you to be able to learn and to get help, how do they do that? I'm curious about the way that you structure your business, if it's offline, if it's online, how you ... What kind of offerings and things you’ve put together?

Michelle: Well, Janet I have quite a diverse business, I initially started online with an online angel shop which of course has my blog, so people can learn off that. I have a beautiful range of inspirational gifts and angel products and also that was a platform where I launched my self-published works. I’ve actually got a collection of written workbooks, oracle cards,