Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Rising Star: Sandra and Ron Malhotra’s daily ritual leads to success

April 30, 2015

(http://wonderfulwebwomen.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ron.sandramalhotra-300x227.jpg)We are very proud to feature our Wonderful Web Radio Rising Star interview. In this segment, we speak with Sandra and Ron Malhotra. Sandra and Ron create Financial Freedom & Financial Independence, through Strategic Wealth Planning and comprehensive Financial Advice. We will show you the strategic steps required to build and grow lasting wealth, using proven, simple and practical strategies to improve your financial future and financial security. If you are motivated, responsible and committed about your future, we will show you how to create financial security for you and your family.

Transcript of the Interview

Announcement: Welcome to Rising Stars Radio (http://www.risingstarsradioshow.com/), where we share the stories of ordinary people taking action to create extraordinary changes in their businesses. They are the true rising stars to watch.

Get ready to take notes for our no fluff, cutting to the chase, 20 minute interview.

Janet Beckers: Hello, and welcome everybody. It's Janet Beckers here and it's great to welcome you to Rising Stars Radio, where we're sharing the stories of people who are just ordinary people in business, taking extraordinary actions to really get their business up and going to the next level.

When I say "ordinary people", there is nothing ordinary about anybody listening, and especially not our guests today. We have Ron and Sandra Malhotra from Maple Tree Wealth (http://www.mapletreewealth.com.au/). Hello Ron and Sandra.

Ron Malhotra: Hi Janet.

Sandra Malhotra: Hi Janet.

Janet Beckers: Hi. I've ... Now, Ron and Sandra have been part of community for only a few months, and I have just loved, absolutely loved our connection. I really love both of their very different styles that they approach to their business, their passion for what they do, and their very, very systematic way of actually taking brilliant action.

What you're going to learn today is from people who are ... I really think you should watch these guys, because they've already created great traction already and it's ... I can just see that they're going to be making a huge impact on a lot of lives.

To start with ... First of all, everybody, we're going to try and get this done in about 20 minutes, so I'm going to try and get as many tips as I can from Ron and Sandra in that short time, and I know that they will be able to deliver on that, as well.

To start with, Ron and Sandra, can you share with us who it is that you help and how it is that you do that?

Ron Malhotra: Yeah, I'll go with that, Janet. Janet, we help average income earners or people that have incomes that are slightly above average secure their financial future through what we call, "Strategic Wealth Planning".

Typically our clients have something in common, and that is that they're all ... personality wise, they're all motivated. They're committed, and they're disciplined. They're the people that we typically enjoy dealing with and we find that we can add the most value to.

Sandra Malhotra: Janet, I'll just add that while many people may look at their ideal clients from an age perspective or a gender perspective, our clients are really about their mindset. That's our ideal client. Exactly who Ron just described.


Janet Beckers: That's a really good distinction, because ... The thing that I love that you said is that you work with people who are average earning income earners, or maybe slightly above. So, it's not as if you're saying, "Okay, we'll only work with people who are earning a really good income", so that there is really covering a lot of people, so that's a really good distinction that you've got,