Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Wonderful Web Rising Stars Radio

Rising Star: Claire Takacs’ The Ironing Board Webinar Method.

April 16, 2015

(http://wonderfulwebwomen.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/headshot-26.3.15-e1428546769489.jpg)We are very proud to feature our Wonderful Web Radio Rising Star interview. In this segment, we speak with Claire Takacs. Claire spent 18 years working with clients from many backgrounds and with a variety of issues in both the government and non-government sectors. The majority of them had illegal substance use and mental health problems. She is a qualified Life Coach who quit her job in August 2014 to enjoy a temporary retirement and is now focusing on establishing a business to support micro business women to increase their confidence and to stop putting limits on their success. She does this by using one of her other passions, research, or to put it bluntly, looking up lots of stuff, finding out about neuroscience and then telling people about it. Claire is a single mother of two and a grandmother of six.

Transcript of the Interview

Announcement: Welcome to rising stars radio. Where we share the stories of ordinary people taking action to create extraordinary changes in their businesses. They are the true rising stars to watch. So get ready to take notes for our no-fluff, cutting to the chase, 20 minute interview.

Janet: Hello and welcome everybody, it's Janet Beckers here, and this is Rising Stars Radio, and I have a lovely guest with us today, the gorgeous Claire Takacs. How are you going, Claire?

Claire: Very well, thank you Janet.

Janet: It's wonderful to welcome you here. Rising Stars Radio (http://wonderfulwebwomen.com/blog/category/rising-stars) is all about shining the light on the people who are in our community, the wonderful web community, who are taking action and really implementing things that they've learned into their businesses, and getting results, and very generously sharing tips with you about things that they've learned that's going to make it so much easier for you when you're there. So people who are actually at the coal face, sharing really practical things that are going to help you to get results. Claire has been a member of our community for ages now, Claire, it's been a few years, I think.

Claire: It has.

Janet: Yeah, you're definitely a part of the family.

Claire: Thank you.

Janet: Which is really lovely. So Claire, let's start off ... and also for everybody to know, my intention is to try and be able to get as much information from Claire and as much help from you as I can, in about 20 minutes. So we're going to be zapping straight into the action. Claire, would you mind sharing with people, who it is that you help, and how is it that you help them?

Claire: Okay, I'm focusing on women who have micro businesses, very small businesses who work either online or who also have businesses that are offline. I'm targeting women who are basically single or divorced and don't have that financial stability or structure that would come if you're in a relationship.

Janet: Right.

Claire: Women who have children who are now financially out or about to be, and they're really in the process of looking at their finances and creating a business that can carry them through to their later years, because the government keeps changing rules about retirement. A lot of the women that I'm supporting need to obtain skills and develop a mindset to be able to create the lifestyle that they really want, and also to start putting a greater value on their work, and really getting paid what they're actually worth.

Janet: So women who ... I guess it's sort of like their ship's burnt, in a way, they have to really create something that's going to be sustainable for them, because they don't have that kind of safety net.

Claire: That's true, they don't, and also I want them to stop putting limits on themselves, because quite often, they've got such a wealth of experience,