Rich Mom Business - Mom Entrepreneur Podcast

Rich Mom Business - Mom Entrepreneur Podcast

Spa Day At Home - Product Reviews

October 21, 2014

When you just need a spa day at home, these products are an absolute must.
Enjoy your spa day at home! Don’t forget to sign up for my VIP Reviews list at 20 - X0X0 Renae.
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Hi Besties. You look like you could deserve a break. Let me help you have a spa day at home. Of course, you’ll need some essentials and I have just the thing.Tom! Go get the essentials so the besties can have a spa day at home. I love spa days at home

First, in order to have a luxurious spa day, you need a luxurious soap. And I have the perfect soap for you that’s unique, organic, all natural, has no funny ingredients, is eco friendly, including the packaging, comes with an exfoliant and is worthy of only the best spas.

Do you wanna know what it is? The soap is from Misogi Naturals. Sorry if I’m saying that wrong.

This soap was designed to lather incredibly well and does so as promised. And even more cool is that Misogi Naturals actually teaches you how to lather the soap like the spas do. They call it becoming a LatherMaster and they teach you how to do what’s called the Misogi Roll. I still don’t know if I’m saying it right.

Tom: Yeah, It’s Misogi, lather on lather off.

Misogi is performed by Aikedo Masters in pristine waterfalls for spiritual purification. You can’t get more spa like than that. Misogi Naturals has more than half a dozen flavors.

Tom: Flavors, what are we eating the soaps?

I mean scents like Bamboo Ash, Dragon Breath, Wasabi Lime, and my personal favorite, Mocha Kohi. Am I still saying things wrong? Well Misogi-Naturals also has an amazing body butter that’s worth mentioning. It’s a perfect pair if you get the soap and body butter together especially if it’s in the same sent.

And if you’re part of my VIP Product Reviews email list, totally free, then you have sitting in your email box a 15% discount code from Misogi Naturals so you can go shopping.

The LatherMaster soaps go for $12 and the body butters go for $18. Links below the video.

Next, what is a spa day without taking care of your poor feet? So I recommend the Heel to Toe Spa Pedicure Collection. This is my all time favorite feet medicine. It will take care of all those icky cracks and unsightly features. What? It’s not like I know or anything. Don’t make fun of me.

If you put this Spa Treatment right on your feet then put some cuddley socks on, you’ll immediately start to feel the healing. Ohhhh ... it feeels soooo good. Amazon calls it a foot softener. It is, I’d say it’s a 10 in the foot softening category

Tom: It made her left foot so soft it almost melted off her ankle.

It also smells really good. It has a clean fragrance but it’s not overbearing like you need to clear the room after use. I do have to warn you though that there are a lot of oils inside this baby. So be warned and don’t go touching your face after you use this on your feet. You are bound to break out if you do that.

You can find the Heel to Toe Spa Pedicure Collection on Amazon. The 2 oz. bottle is available for only about ten bucks and you can get free shipping yup. I’ll have a direct link to the product below the video.

Next, to go along with your nice clean self and beautified feet, you’ll need to paint those beautiful toes. And it just so happens that I’ve found the perfect nail polish for you. Formula X is a nail polish that’s so incredible that I am now their biggest fan.

Tom: Formula X? isn’t that a motor oil?

You hear about nail polish that can go on in one coat. You hear about fast drying nail polish and all sorts of other gimmicks when it comes to nail polish. Now you listen to me. This is by far the best brand of nail polish I’ve ever tried. I’ll never go back, I’ll never go back.

My latest and favorite color in the Formula X collection is called Paramount. It’s a sage grey.