Skywatchers Radio W/ Lance Burton [Part 1]

April 16, 2014

Join Angel Espino & Joseph F. Marra as they welcome Lance Burton the author of the new book ‘The Blood of a God’ which is set to be released soon on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel.

This is part 1 of our talk with Lance who will return on May 20th / 21st. to resume our interview with him.

Lance promises us to have a premise that he “believes to be a unique explanation of the UFO and Extra-terrestrial issue that you won’t hear from any other source.”

Lance is a former navy officer and FBI Agent with a long history of interest in searching for the truth behind the veil of what we are told.

Pre-orders for the book will be available soon through his website

If you would like to speak to Lance Burton please call in at (786) 245-8127 or find us on skype PSN RADIO!

To listen in on your mobile or tablet device you can also click PSN RADIO or look us up on “TuneIN.”