Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

Can You Draw a Picture of Your Life?

June 03, 2016

My son recently cleaned out his school desk and brought home work from the year.  Amongst all of the work was a short story book about a memorable experience.  He drew a story book about our family trip to Legoland in Orlando.  It brought back warm memories of this past year because his outline of this single day had so much in it that he loved.  It got me thinking, what if I drew a picture of memorable moments for this year?  Could I?  What would I draw?  What if I drew a picture of what I want to be memorable moments of the year ahead of me?  What does that look like?  How about you?  Can you draw what your year will look like?  Do you have enough clarity to be able to see that picture?  Hopefully you do.  If not, take out a pencil, a pen or some crayons and get started.  http://www.idea2actions.com