Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

You Are Being Tested - Enjoy It

April 01, 2016

Throughout your life and career, you are tested.  As you run your business, you are tested.  Many times the test is unwanted.  No matter what we say we're up for, deep down we would prefer things to be easier.  The only way you can get there is to be willing to accept test with an open heart.  Tests are tough.  You hear no and internally, if you don't look at that rejection the right way, you hear "you're not good enough".  But, what if instead of that, you say to yourself, thanks for the test, how can I make this better?  This week, start looking at how fast you succeed or fail.  How much actual testing of your ideas, your art, your passion are you doing vs. talking about how great it's all going to be, or how it could fail.