Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

Does Everyone Feel Like This?

February 26, 2016

Doubt.  Doubt can hold us all back from time to time.  It seems sometimes that when we're venturing out to dream big and live bold that we have that small thread of doubt that holds enough power to make us pause.  What if I jump and the parachute doesn't open?  When you're doing something creative, it's can feel like a huge risk.  It's your idea, your vision, what if I'm wrong?  You seek advice, but sometimes the more advice you get, the farther away from feeling confident you get.  Well, yes everyone feels like that sometimes.  There's no way to avoid doubt and confusion, but there is a way to address it.  Take a step, then another, then another.  Put one foot in front of the other and pretty soon you're running towards success.