The Revolutionary CEO

The Revolutionary CEO

Latest Episodes

From 0 to 1 Million in 2 Years by 25 with Madison Tinder
March 30, 2021

I first came across Madison Tinder when I decided that a business coach was exactly what I needed to grow my business back in 2020. Madison is a business and marketing strategist who focuses on helping online business owners scale their business with v...

5 Mindset Shifts to Make to Confidently Charge High-Ticket Prices
March 24, 2021

2019 was the year I accepted logo clients for $150 and website clients for $450. It was also the year that I was a logo designer, graphics designer, website designer, social media manager, and social media ads manager (I was doing all the things).

5 Things Your Brand Needs for You to Charge High-Ticket Prices
March 17, 2021

Many entrepreneurs say “you don’t need a website to make thousands of dollars.” Although that is true, the one thing you cannot sell without is solid branding. Despite what you might think, there is a distinction between brand identity elements such as...

How to Avoid a Failed High Ticket Offer Launch
March 17, 2021

I have survived two failed high ticket launches of the same offer in 2020. The first time, I launched without a coach and a smaller social media following. The second, I launched with the guidance of a coach and a larger following. Needless to say,

Why I Switched to a Premium Business Model
March 17, 2021

Switching to a premium business model really transformed my business over the last year. Not only did it help me achieve my first financial goal of hitting 5k months, but it also helped me attract higher-quality clients. - In today’s episode,

Welcome to The Revolutionary CEO
March 15, 2021

Welcome to The Revolutionary CEO podcast hosted by Latesha Lynch! This show was created to inspire female service based entrepreneurs and coaches to build and leverage their brand authority to confidently sell their services and programs at a premium p...
