The Revolutionary CEO

The Revolutionary CEO

Latest Episodes

Why it’s a Good Thing to Price Yourself Out of Your Old Client’s Budget
May 19, 2021

You want to be known as a great service provider who delivers excellent work and customer service. What you dont want to be known for, as a service provider, is being affordable. I first realized thi

Why Educational Content Makes You Look like Google or Pinterest and Not an Expert
May 12, 2021

Unpopular opinion: your educational content doesnt set you up as an in-demand expert. We all love a good carousel post that explains the ABCs of how to do something. These types of posts generally ga

How YouTube can generate leads for your high-ticket business with Jamar Diggs
May 05, 2021

If you want to sell high-ticket services, you need to show your face. In this digital age, the best (and easiest) way to show up for any potential customer is to do so through video. This is why Ive

Growing a Multi 6-Figure Product Business with Zero Ads or Outside Funding
April 27, 2021

There are many differences between growing a service-based business versus a product-based business. If you’re an entrepreneur who runs a product business, or maybe you’re interested in dabbling in e-commerce in the future, this episode is for you.

How Do You Know You’re Ready to Quit Your Full-Time Job with my Mom
April 21, 2021

Like so many of you, I was once faced with the very difficult decision of quitting my full-time job. Throughout the process, I was riddled with questions and fears. Knowing when to quit your full-time job to pursue working on your own business is a cho...

The Biggest Thing Holding Online Entrepreneurs Back
April 13, 2021

Are you owning and running your business with a mindset of an employee? This might just be the biggest thing I see that is holding online entrepreneurs back from hitting their income goals. I say this with personal experience since this mindset was som...

How I Leveraged Instagram to Sell Premium Services
April 07, 2021

Raise your hand if youre trying to leverage Instagram to sell your high-ticket and premium offers. Now raise your hand if you find Instagram to be stressful and overwhelming. In todays episode, I wa
