Revolutionary Soul

Revolutionary Soul

Reparations : Does , The United States of America, Owe Us That 40 Acres ?

March 07, 2015

I have been studying that the first African slaves were brought by a Dutch ship to the British Colonies in 1619 an there were 20 of them. It is said that the total population of African slaves at its height were 6 or 7 million mostly concentrated in the South to work the tabacoo and cotton fields ! It is estimated that United States of America and mostly from the South have had made a staggering minium of 20 Trillion Dollars from enslaved Africans ! Its now 2015 and us African Americans had been physically free for 154 years but still have been enslaved for 96 years longer ( total 250 years ). We are still the lowest class of community on our Financial house living per capital in the United States of America and we are Hispanic Brothers and Sisters are now have replaced us as the biggest minority population wise in America !