Tiny House Living brought to you by Tiny r(E)volution

Tiny House Living brought to you by Tiny r(E)volution

r(E)vo Convo 59: A conversation with Tiny House Dating

June 13, 2014

Tiny House Dating is a community of people who care about their values more than their stuff. You might already live in a Tiny House. Perhaps you plan to at some point. Or maybe you just think that Tiny Houses (along with the kind of people who celebrate right-sizing and quality-of-life) are cool.

A lot has been said as of late about the tiny house “fad,” if you will. From the economics of the movement to the quirkiness it carries to the social ramifications it may cause, a lot has been said. Time and time again we have heard who would want to live in such a small space? Are they crazy or just hobbits? Truth is though there are people who not only want to live in tiny houses they want to love in tiny houses. Enough so anyway that Kai Rostcheck and Erica Breuer joined forces to produce one of the fastest growing tiny house sites on the Interwebs.

Tiny House Dating is not your average Match.com. In fact, it is so much more than that. It is about people who want more from less meeting people who want….well, more from less. It is a coming together of folks from all walk of life who want to experience adventure and live free of the American Dream Dogma.

On today’s episode Laura and I get a chance to talk to Kai and Erica about the site; it’s start, it’s current size, and where it may be headed.

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Special Thanks

  • r(E)vo Convo Podcast logo designed by: Steven Harrell
  • Theme Song: Cottage Creek by Ryan Milka