Tiny House Living brought to you by Tiny r(E)volution

Tiny House Living brought to you by Tiny r(E)volution

Tiny r(E)volution - Interview with Guillaume and Jenna

October 30, 2013

An adventurous couple in their 20s, Guillaume and Jenna currently live (and work!) in Los Angeles. Despite the notorious LA traffic, smog, and population issues, that isn’t the adventure though. The adventure is that they are actively building a 20′ long Fencl on wheels to travel around North America and documenting it all on their site Tiny House Giant Journey.

Guillaume started his career as an engineer but recently quit the 9-5 to build the tiny house. His passion is in filmmaking and photography and it is obvious in his documentation of their build. You can see more of his work through his portfolio. and become a professional landscape photographer.

Jenna works in the film industry, but aspires to be a writer and is already well on her way.

Together they believe the tiny house will not only give them the opportunity to pursue their dreams, but also allow them to live minimally with maximum fulfillment. Along the way though they are inviting each of us to have some beer, BBQ, and even frame a wall or two!

Laura and I were fortunate to talk to them this week and dot the landscape with stories of how they met (hint: it involves a username, password, and monthly fee), why Jenna had to tote an air compressor down the road, and their assessment of getting what you pay for. Oh, in this episode I also declare my favorite tiny house photo ever!

Also in this episode: