Tiny House Living brought to you by Tiny r(E)volution

Tiny House Living brought to you by Tiny r(E)volution

r(E)vo Convo Episode 39 - “Don’t Yuck the Yum”

September 09, 2013

Laura and I have spent a lot of time in the last few weeks talking about what the podcast currently is, what we want it to be, how long we think it will take to get there, how we can get there, etc. Today’s show deals with that as well as a host of other topics including naysayers, upcoming workshops, me finally finishing our tiny house floor, Laura’s deliberate living thoughts, and beer!

If you haven’t taken the time to catch up on our podcast you can do so by clicking the tab above that says “r(E)vo Convo”. We have about 39 episodes to choose from. You can also subscribe via iTunes by visiting this handy link. While you’re there you can even leave us an iTunes comment to let others know about the podcast.

Also in this episode: