Tiny House Living brought to you by Tiny r(E)volution

Tiny House Living brought to you by Tiny r(E)volution

February 7, 2013 podcast - interview with Millerwurst Tiny House

February 07, 2013

Since we started the r(E)vo Convo we have had a long roster of amazing guests. In fact, if you select the r(E)vo Convo tab above you can see our history of segments. It has been great to hear from each of these folks. What we haven’t done a lot of though is hear from just regular folks who – while not posturing as a full fledged marketing entity – are making their own strides in tiny house living. That ends today though!

Today we are delighted to have on the show Carissa Miller and Nathan Wurster; building partners and a wonderful couple in general. Living and building in upstate New York they are both full time collegians. Melissa is majoring in Liberal Arts while Nathan is pursuing his IT certification. They are also the proud parents of a bird that is regularly seen on Instagram dressed up and ready to fly!

Based on the Tall Man’s Tiny House  their home is beautiful and especially awesome considering they have no legitimate building experience between the two of them.

You can find the couple on Facebook or you can follow them on Instagram.


Also in this episode: