Revenue Optimization Radio by Upland Altify

Revenue Optimization Radio by Upland Altify

Predictions for CRM in 2020

December 04, 2019

With Salesforce’s CRM industry conference Dreamforce just having come to a close, there’s a lot of talk about the future of CRM. To get into more of the details from Dreamforce and to get more insight on the future of CRM, we are joined this week by Nigel Cullington, VP of Marketing for Upland Altify. In this episode, Nigel gives his views on Dreamforce and the key themes and strategies for driving success with CRM in 2020. From the emergence of data integration for end-users to activating the entire revenue team, Cullington shares his insights on driving success with CRM and the emerging evolution of Customer Revenue Optimization.
Revenue Optimization Radio is hosted by Patrick Morrissey of Altify which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  Altify is the sponsor of Revenue Optimization Radio.