

Episode 188: Polishing Bottles

July 06, 2015

Hello listeners! This episode marks our long-awaited book-club discussion of the current Kingkiller series: Name of the Wind, Wise Man’s Fear, and Slow Regard of Silent Things. Brandon and Billy are joined by Pat and Data to have an eloquent, educated, and enlightened discourse about the books and the concepts within. We talk about our love and admiration for the prose, explain our theories about the future of the series and its mysteries, and gleefully reminisce about one of our favourite fantasy stories. It's a long one, but damn it's good content. We hope you enjoy!

Dresden Files audiobook
Name of the Wind audiobook
Finch's Chimera IPA
Crit Juice
Thrilling Adventure Hour
Dead Authors Podcast
Rude Alchemy

Tune in next time for Poet and Rekon! No idea what we're going to talk about, but it'll probably be funny.

Thanks for listening.