Responsa Radio

Responsa Radio

Latest Episodes

How Do We Use Space During Yom Kippur Services?
August 15, 2019

We’re back with more from Responsa Radio, this time asking the question: How do we use space during Yom Kippur services? Tune in to find out more from Rabbi Avi Killip and Rabbi Ethan Tucker.

Can I extinguish my gas burner on Yom Tov?
August 08, 2019

The post Can I extinguish my gas burner on Yom Tov? appeared first on Jewish Public Media.

Can I attend the theatre on Shabbat?
July 25, 2019

The post Can I attend the theatre on Shabbat? appeared first on Jewish Public Media.

Can Kohanim attend funerals?
July 11, 2019

The post Can Kohanim attend funerals? appeared first on Jewish Public Media.

Are non-Jews allowed to take on mitzvot?
June 27, 2019

We’re back with more from Responsa Radio, this time asking the question: Can non-Jews observe mitzvot? Tune in to find out more from Rabbi Avi Killip and Rabbi Ethan Tucker.

Can I See My Therapist on Shabbat?
June 13, 2019

Can I See My Therapist on Shabbat? Tune in to find out more from Rabbi Avi Killip and Rabbi Ethan Tucker.

Can I bow down during karate class?
June 07, 2018

Can I bow down to the elders during my Karate class? Does Jewish law treat all bowing and salutes - whether part of a traditional class ceremony or directed toward a civic leader - the same?

Responsa Radio: Can I Prepare Non-Kosher Food for a Soup Kitchen?
May 03, 2018

Can I prepare non-Kosher food for a soup kitchen? Does it matter if I look identifiably Jewish?

Responsa Radio: What’s the problem with getting a tattoo?
April 19, 2018

What's the problem with getting a tattoo?

Responsa Radio: Passover Special Edition! (Re-release)
March 27, 2018

Why can't Europeans eat beans? Can you start the Seder early? How fancy are Rabbi Tucker's knives? These and other questions answered.