A Conversation with EZRead Publishing

March 17, 2011

EZ Read Inc. was founded in 2010 as an eBookstore and a rebellious new eBook publisher. With the simple goal of uniting writers and readers, we strive to clear the storm clouds of publishing and bring eBook content to readers without proprietary restrictions, without any fuss.
With over 200,000 pay titles and the entire free Google library, eBooks are sold in PDF and ePub and can be read on a massive selection of devices. But more than this, our eBookstore strives to provide personal recommendations and thoughtful book selections that can rival any independent bookstore or bespectacled librarian. With author interviews and book reviews, our site is managed, maintained, and loved by employees who are as crazy about reading as you are.
EZ Read also is proud to host a full assault on expensive self-publication fees, rejection letters, and all around unhappiness with our new writing and publishing template. Writers of all varieties can use our writing tool to create or convert an eBook in PDF or ePub format, perfect for reading on any device. They can then choose to name their price and sell their work on our eBookstore??s Indie Marketplace. Or, if they are feeling especially nice, share their work for free. Our eBook service welcomes risk takers and free thinkers, and scoffs at tidy “safe bets” big publishing houses want you to believe is the only way to success.
In short, we hope that readers and writers of every sort will find an “EZ” connection, and find exactly what they were looking for on our site.