Renaissance Church Podcast

Renaissance Church Podcast

11: Harmony Dust, founder of Treasures, talks transforming culture by redeeming the lives of women in the sex industry.

April 13, 2015

About Harmony Dust
Harmony Dust founded Treasures Ministries (Treasures), a faith-based, survivor-led outreach and support group to women in the sex industry and victims of sex trafficking in 2003.
As a sex-industry overcomer, Harmony is passionate about assisting women in their journey of healing and transformation. Using a combination of personal story, biblical insights and evidence-based theories, she sheds light on the impact a “pornified†culture has on the people who live in it.
In 2007, Harmony’s story was featured in Glamour Magazine, bringing an international spotlight to the work of Treasures. As the need for similar organizations across the globe became apparent, Harmony and her team began training others to replicate the Treasures model of outreach and care in their cities. Since that point, through the Outreach Training Program, Treasures has provided training to help launch outreaches in 97 cities, in nine countries, on five continents!  Her vision is to see a sex industry outreach trained and mobilized in every major city on the globe where the commercial sex industry is operating.
She has been featured in various media sources, including Glamour Magazine, The Dr. Drew Show, The Tyra Banks Show and Preachers of LA.  She is a sought after speaker and her memoir, Scars & Stilettos, gives an account of the journey of going from working in strip clubs, to leading an organization that reaches women in the sex industry on a global scale.
Twitter @HarmonyDust