Relative Paths | Web Development and stuff like that

Relative Paths | Web Development and stuff like that

51: State of the Union | Asbestos Brakes

January 18, 2018

It's been 5 months since our last episode. In that time I've become a father (woah) and Mark has become really popular on Instagram. So it's a sort of catch-up episode, and a moan at each other about Apple, Microsoft, CPU's and Adobe and software named after disasters.

Not exactly sure what ‘State of the Union’ is, Mark suggested it and I heard it on The West Wing once so sure it’s all good.

- Spectre Vulnerability: When we recorded this and discussed the Spectre and Meltdown CPU exploits, it looked like only Intel Chipsets were at risk. Within days there were identical exploits for most of major chip manufacturers.
- Loscil, producer of my jukebox track DID reply to my tweet... it's pronounced like 'fossil'.

There's no Toolstar this time, but we do talk about alternatives to Adobe's Creative Cloud suite, namely Hindenburg audio editor ( and Affinity Designer (

My Jukebox pick is a track called 'Anthropocene' by Loscil (Monument Builders album, 2017). It's used in the Iceland surf film 'Under An Arctic Sky', a short documentary I recommend whether you're into surfing or not.

Mark's tune is 'Cruise (Don't Stop)' from the 1995 Nightmares on Wax album Smokers Delight. Mark says this album was a constant feature in his car in the late 90's.

Both tracks are added to the Relative Paths Playlist.

Leaving this bit to Mark... of there are any.

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The music we use for various intro bits, stings and outro is ‘Vitreous Detachment’ by Origamibiro, used with kind permission.

Special mention to Loopback by Rogue Amoeba ( This software make our Jukebox snippets so easy to record into Audition, and we were kindly given a free copy.

– Ben