Relationships360° with Tiffany Williams-Jallow

Relationships360° with Tiffany Williams-Jallow

Dealing With Narcissism, BPD and Other Personality Disorders In Relationships

October 23, 2014

Host Tiffany Williams-Jallow and expert guests Steve and Kim Cooper, founders of, and bestselling authors of several books including "Back From The Looking Glass: 13 Steps Towards A Peaceful Home," help listeners effectively manage high-conflict relationships with difficult romantic partners and spouses who exhibit signs of narcissism, co-dependency and other personality disorders.

Does your spouse or romantic partner seem to act irrationally at times? Is your relationship filled with drama and conflict? Do you feel that no matter what you do, you can't seem to solve the problems in your relationship? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then your partner could suffer from a personality disorder.

Listeners are encouraged to join the chatroom with comments and questions or call the show live at 714-409-0610.

Miss the "Overcoming Trust Issues" episode with Dr. Carl Hindy, clinical psychologist and author of bestelling book "If This Is Love, Why Do I Feel So Insecure?" Listen here.