Relationology Podcast with Matt Bird

Relationology Podcast with Matt Bird

How To Win New Business Through Recommendations

February 01, 2015

The team building event focused on developing mutual understanding between members of the team and how to adapt yourself to get the best out of others. As the event facilitator I was very happy with how people engaged and the learning conversations that took place. More importantly my client also seemed very happy. The following month I was surprised and delighted to receive an email from the organisations HR Director explaining that the team leader had recommended me as a facilitator for other team building events. Over time that recommendation led me to win new business with that organisation.

The fourth strategy to win new business and grow your business is recommendation.

A recommendation is something positive that someone says or writes about your product or service. The recommendation normally occurs in your absence so you may never know that it has taken place. The cumulative and sometimes singular effective of recommendations lead you to win new business.

Marketeers talk about the power of WOM (Word Of Mouth) marketing. Whilst you cannot script word of mouth marketing or recommendations it is possible to create the environment and conditions that increase the likelihood of them happening.

Word of mouth marketing and good gossip about your brand are extremely potent and are more likely if you:

  • Deliver an exceptional product or service that others will naturally and spontaneously want to speak about to the people they know.
  • Are a likeable person, after all nobody will make recommendations about someone they dislike, let alone want to receive a service from them.
  • Recommend the products and services of others because you will be build a culture of recommendation as others naturally reciprocate the recommendations you make for them.

Growing your business through recommendations is a challenge. Whilst you might be able to create the right conditions you really are at the mercy of others but when recommendations are made they are highly valuable in enabling you to win new business.

Question: Who could you recommend to someone else today so that they could win new business?

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