Rejoicing Daily

Rejoicing Daily

Homeschooling With Littles (and a little about Canadian Homeschooling)

March 27, 2014

Are you a homeschooler? Do you have a baby? Do you have multiple children under 10? Are you wondering how you can maintain the relationship with your husband? Do you want to know a little about Homeschooling in Canada? And where do you begin as a Daughter of the most HIGH King??? How on earth can you possibly find Joy in a home that is full of hustle and bustle 24 hours a day?
Homeschooling with multiple children, little children, babies, remaining a loving wife and rejoicing daily - are covered in this amazing discussion between me and my sweet friend Lauren from Serving From Home.  We have a REAL discussion about these topics and how we have found ways to find joy in a real world, as real moms - without having hearts of complaining even when all of our plans fall apart.

You can find Lauren on her blog: Serving From Home, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+