Regular Cool Mom

Regular Cool Mom

Ep. 78: After the Sales

December 11, 2019

The dust has finally settled from Black Friday and Cyber Monday and we are here to talk about it! This week we discuss the different sales we saw online, some of the best deals we scored, and things we are already looking forward to next year.

We are also sharing ideas on how to stop the onslaught of sale emails, ads, and temptations for buying when constantly advertised to.

As always, we would love to hear from you! Comment on Instagram and tell us about the best deals you scored over Thanksgiving weekend, anything we should keep our eyes peeled for next year, or the thing you are most excited about buying.

We would also love your tips on how you minimize the temptation to hit ‘buy’ every time you are advertised a good deal online. Tell us everything!

Thanks for listening!