Regular Cool Mom

Regular Cool Mom

Ep. 75: We’ve Been Served

November 20, 2019

In honor of Thanksgiving, this week we decided to share some lovely ways that we have been served in the past. We both have so many grateful memories of having others reach out to us in our times of need, and we hope to be able to serve others as selflessly as we have been served in the past.

Join us as we exchange stories, thoughts, and resolve to find more ways to serve the people around us. We hope our stories will spark an idea for you to be able to serve someone around you!

We would love to hear from you. Please share any stories you have of being selflessly served, or ways that you have found make it possible for you to help others more. We are open to all suggestions, and you know we love a good happy-cry!

Leave us a comment on Instagram and tell us everything. Thanks for listening!