Regular Cool Mom

Regular Cool Mom

Ep. 72 Para-not-normal, Super-not-natural.

October 30, 2019

Happy Halloween! Today we thought we would chat about something that Joy hates to think about, paranormal and supernatural activities.

We cover so much ground, from haunted cities and houses, to individual paranormal experiences, to collective group hauntings, and also talk about paranormal visits from familiar spirits vs. locations that hold a supernatural presence.

We also discuss scientific explanations for hauntings and paranormal experiences, and our feelings towards those theories, as well as psychics and ghost-whisperers.

Tell us all your thoughts! What do you think of spirits haunting the earth? Do you think there are lost spirits who are waiting to be ‘crossed over?’ Do you believe that there are specific places that have reoccurring paranormal activity? Or do you like the scientific explanations to all of these experiences? Do you have a haunting story you want to share- you know we want to hear it!

Come on Instagram and tell us everything! Thanks for listening!