Refashion - Where Fashion Meets Tech

Refashion - Where Fashion Meets Tech

RF36 Bye Debt, We’re Talking Personal Finances and Saving Money with Reeelit 

November 15, 2016

Let’s talk personal finances, smart shopping and saving money, honey!

“We believe your aspirations should be a reality.” – Daniela & Alejandro
Hell yes.
Today we’re talking all about getting smart with our money and even smarter with our shopping habits. I’d say I’m organized. Pretty dang organized for that matter. But, inside of all that organized chaos, I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t put in the work to be organized with my personal finances or my business finances for that matter.
I’m getting there though. It’s something I’m working on. Sometimes I track my personal finances with and if I’m feeling super type A, I have a finance folder in Google Drive with spreadsheets where I – again, only when I’m having a Monica Gellar moment – meticulously track and label all my expenses.
There has to be an easier way!
Figured we needed to chat about money so I asked my friends Daniela Corrente and Alejandro Quilici, co-founders of Reeelit to chat with us about about personal finances, budgeting and growing your business on the cheap.
Look, there’s Daniela and Alejandro behind me at GRID110!

They’ve built Reeelit to help us save for the things we love. Alejandro explains it as a goal savings platform with price alerts. Bascially, you can automatically put money aside for anything on your wish list and they’ll scour the internet to help find the best deal.

They started the business with barely any money so I had to know what they did to grow on the low low.
The very beginning…
It all started with $60. To validate their idea, they sent out a survey to the entire U.S. using Survey Monkey for $60. Pretty smart, right? You don’t need to build a fancy website to get your idea out there.
They have a $10/day social strategy to acquire new users. You gotta listen in to hear more about this.

Topics Covered ♥
♥ Testing your idea using surveys
♥ Transitioning from Square Space to WordPress
♥ Knowing when to hire a developer
♥ The $10 day social strategy to grow your customer base
♥ How to create headlines that convert
♥ An intimate look into their intern structure and responsibilities
♥ The salary / equity part of hiring a CTO
Gift For You ♥
♥ Reeelit is gifting us $10 credit towards our first purchase by using the CODE: REFASHION at checkout!! Thanks guy!
Link Love ♥
♥ GRID110
♥ MailChimp
♥ Survey Monkey
♥ Typeform Surveys
♥ EP. LP. West Hollywood
Keep in Touch ♥
♥ Reeelit: FB, Twitter, Insta, Blog
♥ Daniela: Twitter
♥ Alejandro: Twitter
Hope you loved this episode! If you’re feeling extra inspired, please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. I’d appreciate it so much!