Reengineer You (video): The #1 Show For Massive Weight Loss & Lifestyle Transformation

Reengineer You (video): The #1 Show For Massive Weight Loss & Lifestyle Transformation

Free Yourself From Sugar Cravings | RY 024

February 11, 2014

If I could pick one of the most common diet "addictions" that clients tell me they can't get past, it's definitely SUGAR.

You don't have to dig very far to find that our sugar consumption has increased quite dramatically over the last 300 hundred years or so.

Way back in 1700, the average person consumed 4 lbs of sugar per year.

Back in 1800, the average person consumed 18 lbs of sugar per year.

Ahead a little in 1900, the average person consumed 90 lbs of sugar per year.

And jump ahead to 2009, more than 50% of Americans were consuming over 1/2 lb of sugar per DAY - 180 lbs of sugar per year. Yikes.

No wonder we have an obesity epidemic where more than 30% of people in North America are classified as "obese" and "morbidly obese".

This is why I wanted to have my good friend Catherine Gordon, CTT on the Reengineer You show today. She's developed a fool proof plan to help you kick your sugar cravings for good.

Enjoy today's episode, and don't forget, you can now subscribe on iTunes (video or audio only version!).  Don't forget to leave a 5-star review when you subscribe if you enjoy these episodes. Let everyone know so we can help as many people as possible finally kick their cravings, lose weight, live healthier and transform their lives!

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Now, back to your sugar cravings...
Catherine's program, Sugar Freedom , is fantastic and I can't recommend it highly enough.

Best of all, she's doing a killer sale this week for Valentine's Day - Queen of the sugar holidays - so you can get right back on track after a weekend filled with heart shaped boxes of chocolates or romantic dinners out.

>>> Say Goodbye To Sugar Cravings Forever