Reengineer You (video): The #1 Show For Massive Weight Loss & Lifestyle Transformation

Reengineer You (video): The #1 Show For Massive Weight Loss & Lifestyle Transformation

How To Get Stronger After 50 | RY 023

January 21, 2014

What if I told you I found the real "fountain of youth" and once you have it you'll be able to live a full, active life well into your 80's, 90's or even 100's?

Imagine still being able to go travelling when you're 83 years old because you're still strong and in good health.

How about playing with GREAT grandchildren, being able to run around with them even when you're past 90?

This is all possible, not that hard and, honestly, not that big of a secret.

It does take some work and some planning though. The good news is that even if you're already past 50 years old, there's still time to make huge improvements to the next 30-40 years of your life.

This is all covered in today's episode of Reengineer You when I talk with my good friend and Personal Trainer Of The Year, Dan Ritchie, Ph.D. who specializes in fitness for people over 50 years old...

Now, back to that "Fountain of Youth" I mentioned...
As you can see from the interview with Dan, there's a big difference between the workouts you find in your typical magazine or see people doing at your local gym.  This is especially true if you're just starting your "never grow old" exercise program.

:: You'll need to think about proper exercise selection for your ability

:: You'll need to think about how much weight to use, or if bodyweight exercises will be enough

:: After that you need to understand proper body mechanics and ensure you're using proper form for these exercises so you don't hurt yourself

:: And then you'll need to put all of that together in a progressive program design to allow you to keep getting stronger, lose more body fat and avoid chronic overuse injuries

Fortunately, you don't have to do all of that yourself anymore...

...because Dan has laid everything out for you in a very simple, easy to follow program right here...

>>> Eliminate the pain and agony of getting older while dramatically improving your ability to do what you love with this quick & easy at home system that makes you feel 20 years younger