Reel Snobs

Reel Snobs

Latest Episodes

Ep. 28.2 – Snobbie Short – Kink
May 21, 2015

Tune in to hear Kalena's review of the documentary, Kink; now available of Netflix.

Ep. 28.1 – Snobbie Short – The Avengers: Age of Ultron
May 18, 2015

Cicely's been to the movies. Check out her review about the latest Marvel adventure, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron.

Ep. 28 – Bessie
May 13, 2015

Your favorite Snobs had a fun evening viewing a screening of HBO's Bessie, starring Queen Latifah. Catch the premier airing May 16th on HBO.

Ep. 27 – It Follows
May 05, 2015

Kalena was so excited about this film that the review couldn't wait for another day. So we're recording live from the theater parking lot!. Tune in to hear what we thought about the potential cult classic, It Follows.

Ep. 26.3 – Snobbie Short- Summer 2015 Movie Trailers
May 01, 2015

Cicely and Kalena react in real time to a few trailers for upcoming releases in this Snobbie Short.

Ep. 26.2 – Snobbie Short – Salon Gossip
April 28, 2015

For many, the salon is the place for talking about the latest issues and gossip.  Kalena talks to her stylist Taura Taylor of The Nappy Parlor about some of her favorite films in this Snobbie Short.

Ep. 26.1 – Snobbie Short – More Furious 7
April 24, 2015

Nope. We aren't done discussing Furious 7. Tune in for some extras!

Ep. 24.1 - Snobbie Short - The Theory of Everything Review
March 09, 2015

Continuing our discussion of Oscar winners, check out Kalena's review of the Jane and Stephen Hawking biopic, The Theory of Everything.

Ep. 24 - Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel
March 05, 2015

Oscar season is over but that doesn't stop your favorite Snobs from discussing some of the films that took home golden men this year. Wes Anderson... do we love him? Hate him? Tune in to find out as we discuss his latest movie, The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Ep. 23.3 - Snobbie Short - The Raid 2 Review
March 02, 2015

Check out Kalena's review of the 2014 Atlanta Film festival action-packed martial arts flick, The Raid 2.