Recovering Academic

Recovering Academic

Season 3 Episode 6: Holiday Episode

December 20, 2018

The Recovering Academic trio takes some time to reflect about the past year and make plans for 2019.

We also discuss how it is hard to find motivation and focus during this time of the year, but we give some tips about how we can trick ourselves to have some work done during this holiday season!

It’s the season of generosity, but there’s actually little time for generosity @IHStreet

As recovering academics, we need to get used to the idea that the metrics used to quantify your “success” might be very different than the ones on academia, and not very well defined.

Chance favors the prepared mind @ladyscientist

In the end we should all aim for balance @Doctor_PMS

Thanks everybody for listening, we hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and an even better 2019!

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