Recording Hound

Recording Hound

Recording Hound Interview- Bob Katz - Recording Hound

March 22, 2015

In this episode I talk with world renowned mastering engineer Bob Katz. Mr Katz has been the mastering engineer for three Grammy award winning albums. His accomplishments include a well regarded book in its third edition on Mastering techniques called "Mastering Audio The Art And The Science" and another book called "iTunes Music Mastering High Resolution Audio Delivery, Produce Great Sounding Music With Mastered For iTunes". Bob is credited with developing new audio technologies including the K-system of mastering and K-surround which is a patented process that adds spacial realism to a mix.Bob has extensive experience in audio recording and mastering and is still an active mastering engineer who can be reached through his website at (

In addition to the examples on Bob's website here some more examples of his recent mastering work:

Prog Rockers Glass Hammer- (

Nils Fischer's Timbazo. Cuban Salsa/Latin Jazz with the finest Cuban musicians. Album is "Rumberos a Monton". It will make you dance. (

Lizzard, new album "Majestic". (

Guilty" by Joachim Palden, down and dirty (meaning "sexy") electric and acoustic blues starring some well-known British singers. Very charismatic blues performances. (

Stella Bass, "Too Darn Hot". Jazz torch singer from Dublin. Very well recorded. (