The Reconnected Show

The Reconnected Show

Indoctrination/Isolation & Insulation pt 4 with Dr.Brown

June 24, 2017

Clinical Psychologist and author Dr. E. Douglass Brown will join us again with his series on the parenting styles of Insulation, Isolation and now Indoctrination, on this rebroadcast show.  He was saying that the child naturally feels like they are safe and that they can express themselves without feeling like they are wrong. This happens with an Insulation parenting style. Pampering comes in the form of giving more to the child when they haven’t earned more. Pampering is a form of Isolation. Indoctrination is the new parenting style that will added to the previous two. It is when a set of beliefs are introduced and aggressively taught in order for the beliefs to be planted in the subconscious. Dr. Brown will look at the school age of 5 and see what effects these parenting styles have on their developing minds.