The Reconnected Show

The Reconnected Show

Resolution and Emotional Life part 3 with Dr. Brown

May 13, 2017

Author and Psychologist Dr. E. Douglass Brown is back with us, on a rebroadcast show, as he will continue his theme of Resolution and Emotional Life, now part 3. Dr. Brown talked in our last discussion about how conflict in the home without resolutions affect the child. Dr. Brown was saying that when the child does not witness resolutions in the home, the toxic effects of their negative emotions only increase, like fear, anxiety and depression. When the child views these conflicts and they become a pattern of behavior in the home, that child is more likely going to develop some anti-social behaviors, carry anger around with him, getting into fights, having behavior issues at school. He will talk about this child now entering adult life and how this un-resolved issue affects his/her relationships and emotionality. For you adults this series is important to reflect on your own childhood and see what fits for you.