The Reconnected Show

The Reconnected Show

Bliss Point vs Ego pt 1 with Dr. E.D. Brown

April 15, 2017

Clinical Psychologist and author Dr. E. Douglass Brown speaking today on Bliss Point vs Ego pt 1 on this re-broadcast show. A term invented in the fast food industry, the “bliss point” refers to that point when a person experiences the maximum amount of sensory satisfaction and pleasure from tasting and eating a specific food product. Food and beverage companies spend millions of dollars in research to identify the right mixture of ingredients to place in their food and beverage products to take you to the “bliss point”- when you taste and savor their products and feel that you must consume more in order to re-experience that maximum degree of digestive satisfaction and pleasure. (Doritos chips anyone?) The more enduring “bliss point” or bliss state” is attained when you stop pretending that your ego is who you are and start to be who and what you are – a human being with a unique personality who is connected to the Ultimate Superior Spirit behind all creation. Some people call this state self- actualization or self-realization.