The Reconnected Show

The Reconnected Show

Children’s Spirituality with Norma Hollis

March 18, 2017

Author, America’s Leading Authentic Voice Doctor®, Norma T. Hollis will be our guest speaker, on this rebroadcast show today speaking on how we can bring out the spiritual genius in our children and help them stay grounded in their own spirituality. Norma helps people find, live and share their authentic voice which she refers to as the seed of purpose that lives within. Her focus is helping experts and authorities acknowledge their authentic voice and cash in on it. She’s a 17 year veteran of the speaking industry and is author of The Process to Become a Professional Speaker, Ten Steps to Authenticity, the Authenticity Assessment, Authenticity Grid and the Authentic Voice System. Her work with children's spirituality is to help parents acknowledge the natural gifts and talents of their children to raise them toward those gifts so the child can live an authentic life. Schools focus on mental health and churches on religious education. Children's spirituality focuses on the spirit of the child - who the child is and who the child can become based on the energy that lives within.