The Reconnected Show

The Reconnected Show

Spirituality part 2 with Professor/Imam Ben Bilal

March 11, 2017

Imam Benjamin Bilal speaking on this re-broadcast show addressing the timely topic of Spirituality part 2, continuing his discussion from his last visit. Regarding Spirituality he says the following:

"Spirituality" is not to be seen as separate from the material and social life of man. The material life is actually the densest form of spiritual existence, which is the "true" existence. Real life is pertaining to the life of the soul, or what I have dubbed the 'breathing conscience'. It gives birth to proper emotional, mental and psychic life - all of which are invisible and represent aspects of the spiritual life. In reality, they are all ONE! "Spirit" only means "influence" and if you can get control of the invisible things that influence your visible life on a daily basis, you can maintain control over all of the various manifestations of that life, which will allow you access to peace, freedom, and wellness. He will also compare ideals in various religions and talk about the 7 Chakras as it relates to gratitude and spirituality.