The Reconnected Show

The Reconnected Show

Validation with Dr. E.D. Brown

December 17, 2016

We will have as our special quest, Dr. E. Douglas Brown, author and licensed Clinical Psychologist on this re-broadcast show. He will talk about VALIDATION as it applies to parent and child relationships and how it changes upon maturation; Why it is necessary to give it and to receive it. He will also talk about the higher level of validation which is self validation. It is important to: •Feel like you are important •Know that your feelings are real, very personal to you, and should be acknowledged as such •Feel okay sharing those feelings and personal outlooks/perspectives •Feel like someone is not going to ridicule you or in some other way disrespect you behind your expressed feelings •Feel at ease discussing what is deep inside  - When children don’t have validation, the emotional scarring starts taking place and problems begin. Lack of validation is responsible for most problems youth and adults are having today. Lack of Validation leads to addictions, domestic violence, controlling issues, inability to keep job and failed relationships.