Rebellious Wellness Over 50

Rebellious Wellness Over 50

Latest Episodes

Yogi Aaron says Stop Stretching!
March 03, 2023

After 20+ years of asking, seeking, exploring, studying, experimenting, Yogi Aaron can confidently say, hes found many answers, but more important than that, he discovered a simple and effective technique to alleviate pain! He says it

Declutter Your Life, Make Way for Happiness
February 23, 2023

Whats missing in your life? Deep level stuff like love, connection, self-worth?Tracy McCubbin believes that we over shop, over save, and over anti-age ourselves because something is missing and we try to fill it.For the sandwich generationthats us

Chiropractic Isn't Just for Your Spine
February 16, 2023

Dr. Jeff Fisher has been a chiropractor for 30 years.He knows a thing or two about the spine and how best to care for it and the whole person.After enduring 3 neck surgeries and the pain that did not get relieved from the operations, he’s invented a

Too Young to Be Old with The Queen of Jeans
February 07, 2023

Fashion icon. TV personality. Book author. Cancer survivor. Septuagenarian. My guest, Diane Gilman, is all of those things and now, for her third act, she is bringing women together to support one another to make their third act, their best one yet.Diane

The Truth About Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Fear and Bones
January 31, 2023

Dr. Susan Brown is a medical anthropologist, a New York State Certified Nutritionist, who pioneered the natural approach to bone health for over 30 years. She was the first to prove that using only natural methods, nearly eve

Fitness Over 50 — Be Safe, Get Strong
January 24, 2023

What kind of exercise should we and shouldnt we be doing after we enter our 5th decade?Alicia Jones, founder of Alicia Jones Healthy Living has the answers and 15 years of experience transforming the health and lives of wom

Why You Must Understand Metabolic Health to be Healthy
January 17, 2023

Dr. Doug Lucas, owner of Optimal Human Health,  is a whole body, true health care practitioner. My passion is to help people get back the Stamina they lost, the Ambition they once had, the Vitality they are missing in their lives, the

Stroke Takes More Women's Lives Than Breast Cancer
January 06, 2023

Don't know about you but the word stroke conjures images of older people, the elderly. My guest, speech pathologist and coach, Tsgoyna Tanzman, set me straight on that."The truth is two times as many women die of stroke when compared to breast cancer each

My New Year Wish for You All
December 29, 2022

This shortie is a prayer for anyone who happens upon it. That when you think of the new year ahead you come from a place of self-love, not the self-judgement that resolutions offer.No matter what you might want to see be different, leave the mean girl tho

Let Go or Be Dragged. One Way to Change Your Life
December 27, 2022

Are you the wait and see, hope it doesnt blow up kind of person?Or does this sound more like you, Its time to make a big change, Im blowing it all up and here for the ride?Monica Ricci did the latter. In the space of four months, Monica left h