Realm of Books

Realm of Books

Ep 4: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

March 06, 2015

Hey, bookworms! Here’s a repost and a little secret: We have a surprise… well, it’s not really a surprise because it was mentioned on Twitter week before last, but you know what? I’m still going to treat it like a surprise. …We have a surprise coming next week so watch out for it!

RayAnn, Arcayne and Midneyet sat down with Marconin (from TaurenThinkTank) to discuss the extremely popular and nostalia-inducing Sci-Fi cult favorite by Ernest Cline, Ready Player One!

There are many laughs and much discussion, we hope you enjoy!


RayAnn: @motherofalts

Arcayne: @ArcayneMage

Midneyet: @Midneyet

The show:

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