Real Estate Accelerate

Real Estate Accelerate

Podcast 9 – Marketing

May 30, 2014

Simple, effective, inexpensive
So far we’ve covered working with your sphere of influence, creating a living list and defining your perfect customer, and determining where you want to market. By now you are probably getting a sense that there are many avenues to marketing and it can be overwhelming. The key is to determine what works for you, what gives you the best return for your investment and keeping it as simple as possible.

Remember the theme that you cannot be a jack-of-all-trades? It also applies to marketing. You have limited resources so you cannot do it all. Try, test, review and then whittle it down to your most successful system.

In this episode what you’re going to learn are the different methods commonly used in marketing in real estate today. You will discover how to determine your cost per lead and use this to create a marketing budget. When you finish this episode you’ll have a marketing plan that allows you to test the most likely methods for success. You will know your marketing budget and what your true cost of a customer is, and you’ll have dispelled the confusion, knowing exactly what you need to do to develop your most effective marketing program.