Table of (Mal)Contents

Table of (Mal)Contents

Latest Episodes

Bach, Bono & Music Bios
September 08, 2020

We don't always have friends of the podcast on the show, but when we do, it's Matt Redmond! Matt is a Christian counselor, teacher, author, and longtime listener of the podcast. We have wanted to chat with Matt for a while because of our shared love...

Masters of Tangents
August 31, 2020

One of the things we love best about this show is our audience. Seriously, we have some really fun and fantastic people who listen to this show and put up with our silliness week in and week out. So, this week, Dave and I (Scarlet couldn't join us...

Influencers of Influencers
August 24, 2020

We're back once again with our latest episode of Table of (mal)Contents! This week, Scarlet, Dave, and I are joined by our friend Jenaye White. Jenaye works as part of B&H Publishing Group's marketing team, where Dave previously worked as well....

Cat Fashion Shows
August 17, 2020

We've got a new episode of Table of (mal)Contents this week, and it's a big one—our 100th episode of the show in its current form! And what better way for us to celebrate than to have Barnabas Piper rejoin us for our look back on 100 episodes of...

It's All Dave's Fault (and Other True Sayings)
August 10, 2020

I wanted to make some sort of reference to Wayne Gretzky in this episode's title, but it wouldn't make any sense. Aside from it being the 99th episode of the podcast since we relaunched as Table of (mal)Contents. Yes, we're really there after all...

The Writer's Kid
August 03, 2020

This past week was rough on Team (mal)Contents, y'all. Scarlet's shared a bit about what's going on with her family on social media recently (so go read about it there). Dave was feeling pretty rough on Friday, so we had to postpone recording. But...

The One Where We Keep Not Talking About Books
July 27, 2020

So, we had a plan for this episode. (Maybe.) And it was a good plan, too. (Also maybe.) But then one of our co-hosts was called away unexpectedly and couldn't join us when we hit record. So, instead, Dave and I talked about a lot of things. Listen in...

Quest Squads, Book Club Names, & Boring Book Descriptions
July 20, 2020

This week, we decided to keep things serious and tackle the tough topics that are shaping the world in which we live. Which, of course, means we're answering questions inspired by Goodreads and our friend Andy Whisenant from B&H Publishing. Listen...

Dave vs the Internet Connection
July 13, 2020

We're wrapping up our special summer series today, where each of the co-hosts jumps into the hot seat to introduce him or herself to our listeners! This time, Dave is in the hot seat—as long as his internet connection holds out. Listen in to hear: ...

Scarlet vs the Canadian
July 07, 2020

We're continuing our special summer series today, where each of the co-hosts jumps into the hot seat to introduce him or herself to our listeners! This time? It's my (Aaron's) turn. But there's a twist! One of us had internet problems because he was...