The ChristCore Podcast

The ChristCore Podcast

Ep. 42: Youtube Has Some #adults crying censorship!

September 03, 2016

This week we discuss Youtube ignoring the first ammendment and the implications on the upcoming generations life lived on a screen.  Also, for some reason Anthony sounds a lot like Mark, Ryan is still watching Bachelor in Paradise and Bryce is questioning (as usual) why he let’s Ryan do this.  Join in on the conversation @christcorenet on twitter or by e-mailing us at
Discussion:  Youtube Censorship???  There has been an outcry among youtubers (specifically those who make money off youtube and post news related videos).  Because several of their videos were rendered unable to monetize due to a change in the youtube terms of service.  Does this force self-censorship?  Does a private website running on a government run service (the internet) have the right to do this?  Bare in mind in this case this isn’t youtube taking down videos, it is them stopping people from making money off of them.

Are Website Terms of service enforceable
Youtube HAS NOT changed it’s terms of service
An analysis of the problem

Some of Youtubes Terms of Service

Sexually suggestive content, including partial nudity and sexual humor
Violence, including display of serious injury and events related to violent extremism
Inappropriate language, including harassment, profanity and vulgar language
Promotion of drugs and regulated substances, including selling, use and abuse of such items
Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown

Bullet Points:

Elon Musk & Mark Zuckerberg disappointed at Space X Rocket / Satellite Explosion
LG is putting Windows 10 on your Fridge
Google is making some fun announcements right before the anniversary of my surgery last year, coincidence?  I think not!
Apple OSX and iOS patching a security flaw
The HDMI overlords are throwing a bone to the USB-C crowd
Apple is going to start removing “abandoned apps”

Apps or tech you’ve been using:

Bryce: Wolfenstein: The New Order
Mark: EpocCamHD, Adobe Premier/Photoshop/After Effects

Discussion:  TV Overload. Actual concerns for an entertainment focused world and it’s effects on us and the next generation. (i.e. kids suffering heightened social anxiety and lack of skill with face-to-face interaction due to increased TV watching/technology use in lieu of interpersonal interaction)
Bullet Points:

Three new Characters to be introduced in “Stranger Things” potentially excluding Eleven.
CBS All Access will have a commercial-free option….yay?…
John Stamos and Taylor Lautner cast for